6 August 2012

But I can't sleep until this is done
They're in my head they're in my soul
Come on down to the other side
Come with us through the gates of hell
We will drag you from where you are
To where you belong...

The video and all the logistic, video photographer, photographer and make up artist is going great but I can't find a dancer that's available at the same dates as the photographers. Gonna have to think this over. I really want to do this project but I didn't want to dance it myself but right now it looks like I have to.
Funto dance it but not the thing I wanted and the emotions and the will not be the same...

Anyway from that to a great dance evening with Maria, Anna and tonight Tusse joined in. Always so much fun when a new dancer join in.

Today I booked my one way flight to Münich... feels kinda strange but it will be awesome. Will stay at my german friends, Kevin, place at first, with a french dancer as well. Will be fun to be in the city for almost three weeks before the school start and just dance for fun in Münich.


Remember me...


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